We currently have eight active beehives on our farm which means we have tens of thousands of pollinators and honey makers! Scroll down to learn how the bees help the charity beneficiaries and our farmland...

“The hum of bees is the voice of the garden.”
- Elizabeth Lawrence
Beekeeping in detail
Bees pollinate more than 80% of the worlds flowering plants. One in every 3 bites of our food are pollinated by bees including fruits, vegetables, chocolate, nuts and spices. Without beekeepers there would be no honey bees in the U.K. and, therefore, no UK honey production.
Since the 1940s there has been a 50% decline in beekeeping in the UK. That means 16 million bees in the summer compared to 32 million. Increased urbanisation and lower interest from the public are just two of the reasons for this decline.
We understand the importance of bees within our environment and we are keen to pass on our beekeeping knowledge to the next generation. This activity is very engaging to our charity beneficiaries. It helps provide skills for life and good education. Additionally, it helps preserve the UK honeybee population, pollinate our crops and reward us with a natural, healthy product.
We have eight hives on our farm with room for more. To set up a new hive, the costs are as follows:
New Hive: £500
Bee Colony: £200
Additional Beekeeping Suit: £300
Beekeeping Gloves: £15
Beekeeping Wellington Boots: £30
Hive tool & Smoker: £50
Feeder: £12
Insurance: £60 per year
Pest treatment: £8 per hive per year
Food for overwintering: £40 per hive
TOTAL: £1215
Additional costs include:
Food grade honey extractor: £1000
Wax extractor, uncapping tray, buckets strainers and honey tanks £800
How you can help
Donate using the button below. Your gift can help us preserve the honeybee population and educate the charity's beneficiaries about the vital importance of this practise.
Plant sustainable wild flowers, that can help feed the bees and put nutrients back into the land (e.g. white clover)
Provide a safe haven for the bees at a secure location
Purchase local or UK honey.