Forest School
We are surrounded by rugged, natural woodland. It’s the ideal outdoor environment to teach our charity beneficiaries about forestry and learn new skills. Scroll down to learn more…

“Trees give peace to the souls of men.”
- Nora Waln (Writer)
Forest School in detail
Forest school is an important aspect of the charity. Not only is it essential for the wellbeing and soul of the land but it is an excellent opportunity to educate our beneficiaries about sustainability and the need to care for our environment. It is an excellent way to engage people in a remote, lateral setting.
We teach both the science and craft of creating, managing, planting, using, conserving and repairing forests, woodlands, and associated resources for human and environmental benefits. These fragile and threatened ecosystems need to be protected through the sharing of knowledge and skills so that future generations can tend to wooded areas.
In addition to this, we teach bushcraft skills which are built to safely challenge those able. Whether it’s building an open fire then using it to cook with or green wood activities such as mallet making and tepee building, beneficiaries get to be active and creative in this wonderful space.
We believe in the wonder and magic of trees. They help us connect with history, folklore and legend. We ensure that those we teach understand their place in our ecosystem, the wildlife dependant on them and their importance to the environment.
Whilst we strive to keep costs to a minimum and sustainably use what the land offers us, there are costs involved which your donations can help cover. For example:
Bow saw & blades: £25
Tarpaulin (3 x 4M): £20
Kelly kettle: £60
Open fire cooking utensils: £50
Waterproof clothing for beneficiaries: £25
Safety goggles: £9
Thick, leather gloves: £30
Storage shed: £250
Eco toilet: £1300
A £300 donation allows us to provide a forest school day for 15 people with special educational needs or a disability. This includes staff, food and resources.