Fundraise by Swimming

Planning your swim
Following these steps can help you plan a successful swim & get the most out of your fundraising experience​:
Choose your somewhere to swim
Local pools can be very supportive. have a great list of pools, lidos and lakes for you to choose from. Check out their wesite here:
Select your event date
Pick a date that suits you. Give yourself enough time to train and gain sponsorship. Check that there are no disruptions or conflicting events in your pool of choice on your selected date.
Consider company
Swimming with at least one other person can be very beneficial. The bigger the group, the wider your fundraising network becomes. If you do choose to swim alone, make sure you inform others of your event date/times and ask them to come along a cheer you on!
Create a page
JustGiving is a brilliant way of fundraising. It’s easy to set up and share your page with your friends, family and co-workers. It takes the hassle out of collecting cash and the money comes directly to the charity.
Register your event with us
Registering your event with us gives us sight of what you are aiming to do and provides us with the opportunity to support you. We’ll get behind you and let our followers know that they can support you too.
Equip yourself
Make sure you have everything you need for a successful swim. Goggles, swimsuit, water bottle, cheering squad etc. Ensuring that you and your swimming gear is in good condition will help with a successful fundraising event.
“The water is your don’t have to fight with water, just share the same spirit as the water, and it will help you move.”
- Alexandr Popov