It’s people like you who help us deliver the essential services we provide to the disadvantaged. By fundraising for Uncle Paul’s Chilli Charity, you get to be part of an exciting and rewarding occasion. We’ve lots of suggestions for fundraising and you are also welcome to come up with your own ideas. Take a look at some of the options below:

Enter the North Somerset Community Lottery
We’re involved with the North Somerset Community Lottery. By purchasing a ticket at just £1, you could win up to £25,000. Furthermore, 50% of all ticket sales go directly to Uncle Paul’s Chilli Charity and other great causes benefit too. Click below to find out more and buy your ticket.

Sponsor a fruit tree or
Christmas tree
Secure your tree for Christmas whilst knowing that you're helping disadvantaged people. We grow the tree, you get it for Christmas then return it so we can keep growing it for next year! Alternatively, sponsor a fruit tree and help us teach our beneficiaries how to grow their own food.
Download our fundraising pack here:
"The smallest act of kindness is worth more
than the grandest intention."
- Oscar Wilde
Let's Make A Change

Here are some other ways you can help us raise funds: